Web, Marketing,Consulting Services

Your Complete Action Plan. Wanna Listen ?

Elite Artists Platinum Plan

  • Music Alliance Elite Global Artists Label Distribution
  • Music Career and Marketing Management Program
  • Airplay Package (2000 Spins) on Radio Airplay
  • Ableton DAW Development Program
  • Air play Package with EDM Sessions
  • Personal Music Alliance Web Page Design
  • Social Media Consulting and Marketing Plan
  • Feature Article in Music Alliance ‘zine “fuse”

A complete action plan bundle that ignites your ability to create your own music. Establishes you in our community. Empowers you to get your music ready for distribution and airplay. Maximizes your opportunity by preparing you with a solid career management and marketing strategic plan with personal skills and knowledge. We distribute your music globally and deliver thousands of spins to develop an audience. We help tell your story and guide the creation of your web and social media presence.

Click on the Tabs and Get your Questions Answered Through our Community and by our Music Alliance Team. Check our Member Benefits and Pricing to see the Incredible Value We Bring Our Members

MusicAlliance.com is a community of communities. Our business of music is at its very core entrepreneurial. Yet many do not conceive of themselves as businesspeople. The truth is everything we do is about selling ourselves, our music, our talent and our ingenuity. We are here to help you plug into as many opportunities as possible. To make it easy where it is not.  Music Alliance can associate you with success. And your success is the goal of everything we do. We can help you build a presence on the web, carefully looked after by our team and intrically tied into a community that mutually benefits from everyones efforts. The hardest thing about media is getting attention. Using the power of Wordpress Multisite, affiliate partners, members and results, together we will bring it.  

Fly on the Wall
Watch award winning recording teams share their workflow, and the secret sauce that goes into creating world class music. Join us for 16 new sessions annually or hundreds of videos in the Vault.

Legal Templates
Comprehensive, up to date, music and entertainment legal templates from Avenant Law. Over 1,000 established labels, publishers, recording studios and artists use Avenant contracts.

60 Annual Meet-Up Events
Connect Communicate Collaborate on relevant issues for our business. Technology, Studio Design, Songwriting, Music Production, Social Media, Marketing and more.
Membership Includes Microsoft 365 Office Suite and Storage

Member ID, Certificates and Music Alliance.com Email
Identify with success and let’em know you connect @MusicAlliance.com. Enjoy student discounts with your official Music Alliance Digital ID. Show your member pride!
Our Academy-Elite Development
Elite development for Artists and Producers. Evolve your skills. Create a career strategy to sell your music and establish your brand. You work in the context of real-world music production competency.
Mentors and Coaching
Success is measured in inches. A high level of personal focus, at the right time, accelerates success. With the right Mentor you are propelled, your opportunities enhanced. When prepared, what has taken years, can be shared in hours.
Tools and Resources
Communities share resources, tools and knowledge. We raise the standard, more access, increased opportunity and better prices for members.
Member Points and Rewards
Up your level, increase your Status Tier, earn greater discounts through your activity, purchases and contribution to the community
Track Reviews and Global Music Distribution

Marketing and Social Media for Musicians

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