Select, Complete and Submit the Number of Submission Forms You Require. Use Additional Forms if Necessary Ensuring You Identify Them as Part of the Same Release if Intended.
Submit only with Form in “Single Submission” Ensure we know the total songs attributed to this release so we can adequately review and ensure we have all your songs
Submit only with Form in “Single Submission” and “Song #2” Ensure we know the total songs attributed to this release so we can adequately review and ensure we have all your songs
Submit only with Form in “Single Submission” and Song#2 and #3 ensure we know the total songs attributed to this release so we can adequately review and ensure we have all your songs
Submit only with Form in “Single Submission” as well as Song#2, #3, and #4 . Ensure we know the total songs attributed to this release so we can adequately review and ensure we have all your songs